Sunday, September 23, 2007

Updated Sections

Here are some updated sections. On the first level you can see the customer service on the right. The balcony looking at Copley Square is on the left on the second level. The Internet Cafe is in the middle on the second level with plenty of space for customers to relax and enjoy something from the cafe. The third level has a glass balcony that overlooks the second level's internet cafe. You can see the fourth levels classrooms with the glass elevator.
This section is the opposite as the one above. The customers service is on the left on the first level with the main entry on the right side. The second level is the balcony overlooking Copley Square and the Internet Cafe. You can see the balcony from the third level that overlooks the cafe on the second level. The fourth level has the classrooms.
Below is the section of the balcony overlooking the New Old South Church. This balcony is between the second and third level with access by the glass elevator and stairs.

This section is the opposite as the one above. The customer service on the first level is located on the left with the restrooms on the right. You can see the glass elevater extending to the fourth level. You can see the Internet Cafe on the second level right under the outside balcony.

1 comment:

enno said...


Fundamentally see the above comments. This is not a believable building yet: the facade and floors have no depth, the stair is floating in the space (as are the floors: there is no structure), etc.

I recommend to concentrate on 2 sections (#2 for sure plus another one of your choice) and 2 elevation studies and work those in depth.