Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Festival Park, Part II

Here are the same pictures with color added. These are the actual colors used for the tent material in the park. I hope you can see why the park is noticable from across the river.

This is a diagram of traffic flow, pedestrian flow, and local establishments. The thicker red is a majority traffic flow, thinner red is a minor traffic flow, purple indicates the views towards and away from the site, and blue is pedestrian flow.
The site is not heavily surrounded by pedestrian flow like you think would be needed to support desired events.
The site is surrounded from parts of the old mill that developed both cities from the 19th century. The river was a way to transport merchandise in and out of the area. The surrounding buildings are four sided, non abstract, and brick.
This abstract park was placed to attract the residents to this area. I also think it was intended to host many festivals but the location just doesn't support it.


smunger said...

Was the aerial view speculative, based on your observation at ground level, or were you able to climb an adjacent building / structure to get the view?

I myself have always had trouble getting the perspective correct on something I am observing from an angle different than that which I am viewing. I find that I carry my observations from one shot into the other, and it tends to get garbled.

enno said...

You did good job explaining the conflicting judgements about this park. While you appear to be fascinated with the roof structure (and telling from your sketches rightly so!), you are very articulate about the shortcomings in regards of the detailing and placement.

It seems that this project suffers from an overambition in what a nicely designed object can do. While the sail motive is obviously linked to the water and probably creates a nice poetic effect when viewed from the bridge, it cannot compensate for the lack of programmatic integration and harsh ground level detailing.

Comparing these issues with the other riverfront projects will be very instructive. While the festival plaza calls attention to itself, the promenade that Annie described does the reverse: it provides views from the site without needing an iconographic element to mark it.

Your sketches work well, but it's too bad that you did not draw the site from the bridge or across the river to show more context and the water. The annotated aerial works really well.

Stacey Stevens said...

Steven, I was at the top of the parking garage right across the street. I thought having an aerial view would give a better sense of the space.